an average day at cjm search

-6:30a: wake up to my employee crying from her office after a rough 12 hours of sleep. change her diaper, feed her. grab my cofounder's leash and take him outside for a walk. feed the cofounder. 

-7a: brush my teeth and get the coffee brewing. 

-7:10a: drink an entire pot of coffee

-7:30a: clear email inbox while intermittently swatting away tiny employee's hands

-8a: eat breakfast, feed employee second breakfast 

-8;30a: turn on trolls or moana for distraction and throw about 20 toys on the floor. then find about 50ish emails/profiles to reach out to throughout the rest of the day

-9:30a: put employee down for nap after a hard morning's work. take about 2-3 calls and start emailing in remaining time

-10:45a: wake up to employee yelling from her office again. change employee's diaper and feed her again

-11:15a: take employee and cofounder to the dog park, so cofounder can get some energy out.

-11:45a: get back home and play toys/prep lunch for employee. 

-12p: eat lunch and feed employee lunch

-12:30p: email, email, email, play, play, play

-1:30p: employee is exhausted. put employee down for nap. do 2 more calls

-2:30p: employee yells at me again. change employees diaper. feed employee. 

-2:45p: meet candidate for coffee with employee. get groceries/run errands. 

-4p: play/emails! take cofounder outside for a walk around the block.

5p: feed cofounder and employee dinner. do all follow-up tasks/emails. 

5:30p: start dinner, make coffee for the AM, play toys. also, email, email, email

6:30p: give dirty employee a bath

6:40p: feed employee and get employee in pajamas. read employee a story

7p: put employee to bed

7:15p: 1 or 2 calls

7:45p: eat dinner 

8p: shower then, emails for an hour

9p: take cofounder around the block for a walk

9:15p: email, email, email

10p: lil chocolate, lil wine, lil email

10:30p: g'night!